Tooth Extraction
What is a Tooth Extraction?
Extractions are typically done when nothing else can be helpful in saving a tooth. Likewise, some extractions are necessary to benefit the overall health and beauty of a patient’s smile. We perform extractions right in our office using state-of-the-art techniques. The extraction process is painless, comfortable and done quickly.
Why would a Tooth Extraction be needed?
There are many reasons for why a tooth might need to be removed. In some cases, a tooth has become too seriously decayed or is loose because of advanced gum disease. You might need extractions before having implants or a denture placed. Other reasons for needing an extraction is because you have an impacted wisdom tooth or a child has a baby tooth that isn’t falling out on its own.
Who’s a candidate for a Tooth Extraction?
We can conduct an exam to decipher if and when a tooth may need to be extracted. In general, the sooner a problematic tooth is removed from the mouth, the better off the patient will be. For simple extractions, we often recommend local anesthetic. For more complicated or invasive extractions, we might recommend full sedation.
What occurs during a normal Tooth Extraction?
With the help of an exam and consultation, we can determine what type of sedation you need or want for the procedure. You will then come in and be sedated as needed before the procedure is done. We then use special equipment and tools to carefully remove the tooth. Some extractions may require sutures, but this isn’t always necessary for every patient. You will bite down on a piece of gauze or cotton to stop any bleeding. It is important to have someone else bring you home from the appointment, especially if you have undergone full sedation. The procedure itself is done quickly and conveniently so that you can benefit from having the tooth removed.
If you think you might need to have an extraction done, call us today and we will be happy to get you set up with a consultation appointment.