Fluoride Treatments
What are Fluoride Treatments?
If you look at many dental products, most of them will contain fluoride. Likewise, many public water sources have fluoride added to the drinking water that people consume. Fluoride is essential in helping to prevent tooth decay and the need for extensive dental work. Unfortunately, if you don’t get enough fluoride each day, we might suggest that you have additional treatments done in our office.
Why are Fluoride Treatments beneficial?
If you don’t drink fluoridated water and use fluoride-containing products, we will suggest additional treatments. Alternatively, children can and should have these treatments done regularly as a step in protecting their teeth. Prevention of cavities is key in avoiding the need for fillings and other procedures. One of the best ways to do this is by having fluoride treatments done in-office.
Who’s a candidate for Fluoride Treatments?
Virtually everyone coming into our office is a candidate for the procedure. The treatment is quick, easy and takes just seconds. The protection that you or a child will get from these treatments can help in preventing an array of dental problems down the road. While fluoride treatments are most often done to pediatric patients, they can be just as beneficial for adults coming into our office.
What happens during the Fluoride Treatment procedure?
We will clean and dry the teeth as needed. We then apply a liquid fluoride to the teeth using a soft brush. The fluoride then soaks into the teeth, providing enough protection to prevent cavities. Fluoride is essential in strengthening the tooth as well, so you’ll experience fewer breaks and cracks when having treatment done. It is important that you avoid eating and drinking for a short period of time after the fluoride has been put onto the teeth. This will prevent it from being washed away and not being able to provide the protection that you are looking for.
If you think you might need fluoride treatments and want to learn more about this particular procedure, call our office and we can answer all of your questions.